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I have blacked out the victim's face for his privacy.
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contains graphic photos.
On Friday March 30, 2007 a neighbor was crying in the street for someone to call the police. I stepped out side and found this young man in the road. His injury is a deep, ragged cut to the top of his head.

I brought him into my home. I am familiar with him and his family. His mother, his mother's boyfriend and his brothers live together. For more than a year, nearly every Friday night that is associated with an SSI disabilty payment there has been drinking and fighting in their home. Everytime that the police have come to their home, they have refused to tell what happened to them. Each time they have told neighbors and friends that "Tito", the boyfriend had hit one or the other. They have said that "Tito" had drugs in the house. That "Tito" drinks too much. Prior to this no one seems to have been seriously injured. They never told the police these things. The boys admitted many times that they are afraid of "Tito".
Having never seen "Tito" injure anyone, but having seen the aftermath of "Tito", having heard the yelling and screaming from their home I decided "I have had enough". The young man was refusing medical treatment from the ambulance personnel and he was saying nothing to the police officers. I told him to get out of my house, to never ask me for help again unless he was going to tell the truth about what happened and then go the hospital in the ambulance. He told the officers that "Tito" hit him in the head with a CD player. He finally gave the police enough information for "Tito" to be arrested.
This time it seems that the demon had gotten the best of "Tito".

He had written on the wall of the bathroom in his victim's blood.
This is the area where the attack took place. It looked like a bucket of blood had been poured on the bedding.
On a prior occassion another neighbor told me that he had seen "Tito" hit the mother with a stick. Her friends that were with her also stated to me that they were witnesses too. I asked her to tell the police what she had seen. Her reply was "I don't talk to police."
I believe if you see something, you have to speak up. This monster has terrorized a family for more than a year. He has done so with impunity because other people have refused to help them.
The police can not arrest a person unless there is a witness. Sometimes a victim is too afraid to speak up.
I do not at this time know the extent of the young man's injuries, but I know he did not return home from the hospital with his mother on Saturday morning.
I hope "Tito" will remain in jail a good long time.